Sunday, March 15, 2009

MLM - Noted as Recession Proof Business

Multi-level marketing (MLM), also known as Network Marketing, is a marketing strategy that compensates promoters of direct selling companies not only for product sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they introduced to the company. The products and company are usually marketed directly to consumers and potential business partners by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing.

Independent, unsalaried salespeople of multi-level marketing, referred to as distributors (or associates, independent business owners, dealers, franchise owners, sales consultants, consultants, independent agents, etc.), represent the parent company and are awarded a commission based upon the volume of product sold through each of their independent businesses (organizations).

Independent distributors develop their organizations by either building an active customer base, who buy direct from the parent company, or by recruiting a downline of independent distributors who also build a customer base, thereby expanding the overall organization. Additionally, distributors can also earn a profit by retailing products they purchased from the parent company at wholesale price.

Distributors earn a commission based on the sales efforts of their organization, which includes their independent sale efforts as well as the leveraged sales efforts of their downline. This arrangement is similar to franchise arrangements where royalties are paid from the sales of individual franchise operations to the franchisor as well as to an area or region manager. Commissions are paid to multi-level marketing distributors according to the company’s compensation plan. There can be multiple levels of people receiving royalties from one person's sales.

We, women always be blamed as a low productivity person, but today in america alone MLM business had created 400 millionaires. FC Bio Sanitary Pads from Avail Beauty is a MLM Business.

Dioxin - Watchout the used of paper based pads

What are dioxins?
Pure dioxins are colorless solids or crystals. They are an unused byproduct of various combustion and manufacturing processes, and they can occur naturally as the result of forest fires or volcanic eruptions. Scientists have found dioxins in sediments in lakes and rivers, plant leaves, and other organic substances.

The peak period for dioxin production in the U.S. was during the 1960s and 1970s, when they were released by the pesticide, manufacturing, and municipal waste incineration industries. Since then, regulations have dramatically reduced dioxin levels. Sediment samples from around the world indicate an 80% decline in dioxin concentrations since 1970.

The majority of dioxin released into the environment results from:

  • fossil fuel (coal, oil, natural gas, wood) combustion;
  • chemical and paper manufacturing;
  • automobile exhaust;
  • cigarette smoke;
  • soot from home fireplaces.

Opinions are divided about the human health risk related to dioxin. However, studies of possible dioxin health effects are ongoing.

FC Bio Sanitary pads are 100% cotton and free from DIOXIN!

Cervical Cancer - 2nd Killer for Women

What is cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is cancer of the cervix. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus, or womb, and is situated at the top of the vagina. Cervical cancer develops when abnormal cells in the lining of the cervix begin to multiply out of control and form pre-cancerous lesions. If undetected, these lesions can develop into tumours and spread into the surrounding tissue.

What causes cervical cancer and abnormal cervical cells?

Cervical cancer is caused by infection with certain types of a common virus, called human papillomavirus, or HPV. While other factors such as the oral contraceptive pill, smoking, a woman's immune system and the presence of other infections also seem to play a part, a woman has to have been infected with certain 'high-risk' HPV types before cervical cancer can develop. High risk types 16 & 18 are responsible for ~70% of all cervical cancers.

Abnormal cervical cells are also caused by HPV infection, and these may be detected when a woman has a routine Pap test.

HPV explained

Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is a common virus that affects both females and males. There are more than 100 types of the virus. In fact, certain types of HPV cause common warts on the hands and feet. Most types of HPV are harmless, do not cause any symptoms, and go away on their own.

About 40 types of HPV are known as genital HPV since they affect the genital area. More than 50% of people (males and females) will be infected with one type of genital HPV at some time of their life. Some are "high-risk" types (such as HPV Types 16 and 18) that can cause cervical pre-cancer and cancer. Others are "low-risk" types (such as HPV Types 6 and 11) that can cause genital warts and usually benign (abnormal but non-cancerous) changes in the cervix. Both the "high-risk" and "low-risk" types of HPV can cause abnormal Pap tests.

Anyone who has any kind of sexual activity involving genital contact could get genital HPV. That means it's possible to get the virus without having intercourse. And, because many people who have HPV may not show any signs or symptoms, they can transmit the virus without even knowing it. A person can be infected with more than one type of HPV.

HPV is highly contagious. It is estimated that many people get their first type of HPV infection within their first few years of becoming sexually active.

Genital HPV infection is not something to feel embarrassed or ashamed about. It is very common and most often goes away without any ill effects. It could almost be considered a normal part of being a healthy sexually active woman.

Does everyone with HPV get cervical cancer?

Fortunately, no. For the majority of people who have HPV, the body's defenses are enough to clear the virus. Up to 90% of infections are "cleared" within 36 months.

However, for some people who dont clear certain "low-risk" types of the virus, benign (abnormal but non-cancerous) changes in the cervix can develop.

And for women who don't clear certain "high-risk" types of the virus, abnormal changes can occur in the cells lining the cervix that can lead to pre-cancers and even develop into cervical cancer later in life. Most often the development of pre-cancer to cervical cancer can take a number of years, although in rare cases it can happen more quickly. That's why early detection is so important. Talk to your healthcare professional about Pap tests, which help detect suspicious cell changes in the cervix.

How will I know if I have HPV?

Because HPV may not show any signs or symptoms, you probably won't know you have it. Most women are diagnosed with HPV as a result of abnormal Pap tests. A Pap test is part of a gynaecological examination that aims to detect abnormal cells in the lining of the cervix before they have the chance to become cervical cancer. In fact, invasive cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers. Although distressing, pre-cancers detected during a Pap test can be treated. That's why it's important to follow your healthcare professional's recommendation about Pap tests.

How common is cervical cancer?

Each year in Australia more than 800 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed and over 200 women die from this disease. Globally cervical cancer is the second most common women's cancer, which is why many countries, including Australia have implemented regular 'pap test' screening programs to detect cervical abnormalities.

Invasive cervical cancer used to be more common in Australia but now, because of the National Cervical Screening Program, which takes the form of 2-yearly Papanicolou smears (or 'Pap tests') for women, the incidence of invasive cervical cancer has fallen dramatically in the last decade.

What are abnormal cervical cells?

These are cells from the lining of the cervix that look abnormal when a scientist examines a Papanicolou smear (also called "Pap smear" or "Pap test") under a microscope. While most Pap tests contain only normal cells, some Pap tests show mild cell changes, others show more significant changes.

HPV is a common virus that can cause cervical cancer, abnormal cervical cells and other consequences. Learn more about these conditions in the other sections of this site, and talk to your healthcare professional for more information.

How is cervical cancer detected?

Cervical cancer can be detected in two ways. A woman may present to her health professional with symptoms due to the cancer, or the cancer may be detected in its early stages with a Pap smear, before the woman has any symptoms. If a woman's Pap test shows cancerous cells, she will then be immediately seen by a specialist doctor, usually a Gynaecologist, to confirm the diagnosis and plan appropriate treatment.

What is a Pap test?

The Papanicolou smear or 'Pap test' is a test that can detect abnormal cells in the cervix that may lead to cervical cancer. When detected early, changes to the cervix are easy to treat. That is why having a Pap test every two years is so important.

A Pap test requires the use of a vaginal speculum but it only takes a minute or two. It is performed by a doctor or Pap-test nurse, who will take a sample of cervical cells by touching the cervix with a small brush and spatula. The cells are then smeared onto a glass slide and the slide is sent to a pathology laboratory to be examined under a microscope.

A Pap test only tests for abnormal cells of the cervix. It does not screen for ovarian cancer or any other gynaecological cancers.

Other consequences of HPV infection

A proportion of vaginal and vulvar cancers have also been linked to infection with high risk HPV types.

Over 90% of genital warts cases are due to infection with low risk HPV types 6 and 11.

What are genital warts?

Genital warts are benign, flesh-coloured growths that are most often caused by certain "low-risk" types of human papillomavirus (HPV). Genital warts most often appear on the external genitals or near the anus of females and males. Less commonly, genital warts can also appear inside the vagina and on the cervix. Genital warts may cause symptoms such as burning, itching, and pain. The types of HPV that cause genital warts (usually types 6 and 11) are different from the "high-risk" types that can cause cervical cancer.

How common are genital warts?

Genital warts are quite common. Probably more than 1% of the sexually active population has them at any one time.

After sexual contact with an infected person, genital warts may appear within weeks, months, or not at all.

How are genital warts diagnosed?

A healthcare professional can usually recognise genital warts just by seeing them. Because a person can be infected with more than one type of HPV, a healthcare professional may also examine women with genital warts for abnormal cervical cells caused by high- or low-risk types of HPV.

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Known facts about endometriosis

Endometriosis is a puzzling disease affecting women during their reproductive years. It is the second most common gynaecological disorder. Some women have no symptoms whilst others may suffer debilitating pain even with mild disease. Endometriosis occurs when the womb lining (endometrium) is found growing in the wrong place, on other organs outside the uterus. This tissue responds to the hormone cycle and sheds blood every month with a period. In endometriosis patients this blood has nowhere to escape and remains in the abdominal cavity where it may cause inflammation and pain. This gives rise to scar tissue and adhesions.

It is commonly found on the ovaries, womb, fallopian tubes and on ligaments supporting the womb, and between the womb and the bowel and other places in the pelvic area. Occasionally it is found in other areas of the body, eg. lung, kidney etc.. It may also grow on surgical scars or form 'chocolate' cysts on the ovaries. Small patches of endometriosis can cause more pain than large growths in some women. The stage of your endometriosis is not linked to the amount of pain.

The disease can also go into remission and disappear for periods of time.

The effects of the disease on a woman's life can be serious and far reaching. Many have had to give up their jobs and restrict their lifestyle and experience difficulty coping with families. Often no real account is taken of their feelings when they are treated for a disease so closely linked with their emotions. Many people disbelieve the level of pain. This can drag you down mentally and physically as your body tries to cope with the pain. It is very important to try to avoid stressful situations as tension affects the ability of the immune system which should function to remove cells growing in the wrong places. Gentle exercise and relaxation techniques aid the release of endorphins (natural painkillers) which also strengthen the immune system.

Endometriosis is known as the 'Disease of Theories.' No one is sure why this tissue begins to grow in the wrong places. Transportation Theory: Blood and tissue may flow backwards into the abdomen via the fallopian tubes during a period. Mutation Theory: As we develop in the womb some endometrial cells may be misplaced. Auto-Immune Theory: It is thought that there may be a connection between the bodies own immune system and endometriosis. Systemic Theory: This involves the function of the main endocrine glands which may affect the whole body. Genetic Theory: Endometriosis may be an inherited disease as faulty gene patterns are passed on. Environmental: Recent research has highlighted the oestrogen-like properties of organochlorines eg. dioxins in the environment and their possible implication in triggering endometriosis.

The most common symptoms sufferers report are:
  • Painful Periods
  • Painful Ovulation
  • Painful Intercourse
  • Infertility Symptoms often reported include:
  • Pain at other times.
  • Heavy or irregular bleeding.
  • Bowel involvement.
  • Constipation and/or diarrhoea.
  • Swollen abdomen.
  • Pain at urination.
  • Low energy levels.
  • Constant tiredness.
  • Insomnia.
  • Depression.
  • Mood swings.
  • P.M.S. Back pain.
  • Loss of large blood clots.
  • Loss of stale brown blood.


Endometriosis can be managed in a much more precise fashion if it is diagnosed early and if the level of severity is correctly evaluated. The problem for doctors is that your symptoms may mimic many other illnesses and because of the wide variety of locations for endometriosis, we all exhibit different problems. You need to be frank and open with your doctor about all your symptoms so that he/she can build up a clear picture. Being shy about some intimate details does not give your GP a clear picture. It is important that you are referred to a gynaecologist who is an endometriosis specialist.

The only definite way to diagnose endometriosis is by a minor operation called a laparoscopy. This involes a one or two day stay in hospital only. A small incision is made in the abdomen which is distended with carbon dioxide gas and a tube is inserted which allows the surgeon to look inside and check if endometriosis is the problem.

Open Mind or Midst

Are you working towards a better life for you and your family? Are you in control of your future? Are you getting the rewards your hard work deserve? Your life doesn't have to be a trade-off between making the money you need and having the flexibility and time to live your life to the fullest.
The Avail Marketing Plan puts you in control, allowing you the flexibility to work where and when you want, giving you time for family and friends as well as the opportunity to earn a good income. It adapts easily to your needs and ambitions, and grows with them, offering you all the personal support and assistance you require to become the Business Owner you want to be.

Preventing Servical Cancer and Endometriosis

FC Bio Sanitary Pad

FC Bio-Sanitary Pad Specially Formulated With Natural Herbs Patented Functional Bio-Sanitary Pad with natural herbs - Hygiene, Protection, Comfort and Functional Product.
Having 20 years patent, the only patented sanitary pad.
Ensure safe Usage.
Without bleaching and florescence solution.
100% cottony cover and sensitivity free.

Helps to prevent and rectify the following problems:
  • Bad Odor
  • Vaginal infection
  • Menstrual pain
  • Itchiness
  • Bladder infection
  • Hemorrhoid
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Backache during menstruation

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Structure of FC Bio Sanitary Pad

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FC Bio Sanitary pads - Testimony

Angela Wong Keningau, Sabah
(Kekuningan & kegatalan semasa haid)
Saya mempunyai masalah kekuningan dan kegatalan semasa haid. Masalah ini betul-betul merunsingkan saya. Selepas berjumpa dengan doktor, beliau memberitahu saya bahawa rahim saya telah terkena jangkitan kuman.
Makcik saya yang baru menjadi pengedar Avail Beauty Sdn. Bhd. mengesyorkan saya menggunakan FC Bio Sanitary Pad . Selepas menggunakannya selama seminggu, masalah yang saya hadapi hilang sama sekali ! Kini, produk yang baik dan berkualiti ini sudah menjadi sebahagian dalam kehidupan keluarga saya.

Jainun @ Zainun Sedian Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
(Senggugut kronik, sakit perut & migrain)
Sejak remaja lagi, saya telah mengalami masalah senggugut kronik yang mengakibatkan sakit perut dan migrain yang amat teruk sehingga saya terpaksa mengambil cuti setiap kali datang haid.
Alhamdulillah, selepas saya menggunakan FC Bio Sanitary Pad yang dikeluarkan oleh Avail Beauty Sdn. Bhd., masalah tersebut sudah reda. Sekarang, saya berasa selesa walaupun datang haid. Tempoh haid juga dikurangkan dari tujuh hari kepada empat hari sahaja. Terima kasih kepada Avail Beauty Sdn. Bhd. kerana menjadikan kehidupan saya lebih selesa.

Siti Sabrina Ahmad Faris Shah Alam, Selangor
(Senggugut teruk & ketahanan badan yang lemah)
Saya adalah seorang pelajar. Setiap kali datang haid, saya mesti mengambil cuti disebabkan oleh masalah senggugut yang sangat teruk. Daya ketahanan badan saya agak lemah dan berat badan saya hanya 35 kg dengan ketinggian 157 cm.
Setelah menggunakan FC Bio Sanitary Pad dan mencuba Woman Lobata selama 2-3 bulan, saya tidak perlu mengambil cuti lagi semasa haid. Daya ketahanan badan saya semakin kuat sebab saya berasa lebih berstamina dan cepat pulih dari sakit. Kini, berat badan saya telah meningkat kepada 45 kg. Saya berasa sungguh berkeyakinan. Terima kasih kepada Avail Beauty Sdn. Bhd..

Rozita Othman Klang, Selangor
(Kembung perut, kebas kaki & tangan)
Saya sering mengalami masalah kembung perut kerana selalu mengambil makanan yang sejuk-sejuk. Saya juga mengidap kebas kaki dan tangan disebabkan saya telah empat kali menjalani pembedahan untuk bersalin.
Sejak memakai FC Bio Sanitary Pad yang dikeluarkan oleh Avail Beauty Sdn. Bhd., saya tidak pernah lagi mengalami kembung perut walaupun mengambil makanan yang sejuk-sejuk. Saya juga telah pulih dari kebas kaki dan tangan yang selama ini menganggu kesihatan saya. Terima kasih kepada Avail Beauty Sdn. Bhd.